ABOUT ME: I am a lifelong movie lover. So much of one, that my first job ever was as an usher at a movie theater. I was immediately hooked, stayed for 5 years, worked every job and eventually managed. I am still a regular movie theater patron and enjoy watching movies at home. I love to follow the box office totals too. It's always fascinating to me to see how a movie fares. There are so many variables: release date, competition, mood of movie-goers. A sure hit flops at the box office, while a low budget independent film takes off and earns millions. I also love movie trivia and discussions. This is just a place for me to share my thoughts on everything related to the movies (all genres). Please participate; I love feedback of all kinds. Well, off to the movies!

Wednesday, April 30, 2014



I watched this movie recently. Click on the above link for a review and some stills of the amazing footage. While, it's from 1992 and is considered a documentary, it is a beautiful and unique movie experience. I recommend everyone see it at least once in their lifetime. One of those rare occasions where I could turn around and watch a movie again right away, or even back-to-back! I was mesmerized the entire time and moved in multiple ways. Has anyone already seen it? I'd love to hear your reaction.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know this movie. Surprisingly, the picture above, looks familiar, but I don't remember this movie. I'm going to right the name down and pull it up online to see if I can recognize it, that way. Looks interesting. I will let you know if I am able to recognize it more.
